Code Of Conduct
PureSynth has always strived to achieve the highest ethical standards in its conduct of business. The company's reputation and goodwill are recognized and valued by most important asset, which warrants the faith and trust of its various stakeholders. This Code of Conduct is designed to formally put these corporate values of PureSynth into practice. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to articulate high standards of honesty, integrity, ethical and law abiding behaviour expected of all employees while also meeting the requirements of external stakeholders and applicable law./p>
Interaction With Customer :
We will provide products and services that meet the needs and requirements of our customers, complying with relevant laws and standards and ensuring quality and safety by setting additional standards of our own where necessary.
Human trafficking, Forced or Compulsory Labour and Child Labour :
We uphold individual human rights including freedom from forced or compulsory labour and stand firmly against human trafficking. We seek to provide a safe, healthy, and desirable workplace with working conditions, wages, and benefits that meet or exceed applicable laws and reward performance. PureSynth complies with all child labour laws and supports the elimination of unlawful child labour and exploitation. We expect the same ethical conduct from our business partners.
Working Hours and Compensation :
Our Company meets its obligations to us by providing proper working hours and wages including overtime pay consistent with local law. This includes equal compensation for work of equal value, without distinction based on gender.
Open Door Communication :
PureSynth believes that the work environment should be free from any kind of bureaucracy and all employees must have access to other employees regardless of their position or influence in the company. All managers are expected to foster an open door culture at the workplace.
Human Rights :
We will respect individual human rights in the recruitment and treatment of employees and during all other company activities. We will not engage in any acts that may impair individual dignity or discriminate on bases such as sex, sexual orientation, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, ideology, belief, religion, social status, family origin, disease, disability.
Employee’s Responsibility :
Employees shall pledge to comply with the Codes of Conduct. If they become aware of any non-compliant activity, they shall immediately report to their manager or via the internal reporting system.
Usage of Internet & Email :
1. Not send offensive emails and messages to any person/group within or outside the company.
2. Not import any non-text files including files received as e-mail attachments onto your system without checking for viruses.
3. Not share any report, files, data or source code with any unauthorized person/group/organization through the internet.
4. Not transmit Industries propriety information like reports, files, data and source code to any unauthorized person, group or organization through email or any other tool.
Product Safety :
We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding safety of products we sell. We will meet applicable recognized voluntary industry standards for our products and processes.